Our Tree of Life

Adventures Exploring Family History

Alphee and Anna Labadie and Family 1953

The Labadie Family taken in 1953. Edward is show on the far right in the back row. To learn more about the Labadie family and their ancestors, click on the picture above.


Most of our Labadies and Lestages immigrated to New France in the late 1600s and early 1700s. They came from, or at least through, La Rochelle, France, and initially settled in Arcadia, Quebec, and Villa Marie (Montreal). They were merchants, craftsmen, soldiers, farmers, and fur traders. Some of the more hearty souls moved to the frontier in search of a better life. They faced many challenges, learned to live off the land, made peace with the native tribes, learned their ways, and sometimes even married them. They found a land rich for development, but danger and war surrounded them. They learned to survive under difficult conditions, worked hard, and built a life for themselves, their children.
The details of their lives have faded into the mists of time, yet they left their marks on history, and we can find them, learn about them, and come to know them through their works and deeds. They are worth knowing. They made the world we live in and they made us who we are.
The names and dates in the tables and charts don't begin to tell us what we need to know. These are but elements of a roadmap to guide us along the way. The stories lie in the pictures, biographies, and documents attached to each family. New documents and additional information is being found, developed,and added all the time, and with each additional piece of information, the story grows richer and their lives and ours become more meaningful.
Come, meet our Labadie and Lestage families, and all the others listed below, for maternal ancestors, are as important as paternal ones and only eight generations back we had over one-hundred grandparents.
If you have a comment, or better yet something to share, please contact me at webmaster@rtreeoflife.com.

Amedee and Zelia Lestage and Family 1946

The Lestage Family taken in New Bedford, Massachusetts in 1946. Juliette Lestage (Labadie) is shown on the far right. To learn more about the Lestage family and their ancestors, click on the picture above.